NYCTesters July Meet

I was invited to do a two-hour workshop on mobile application testing at the #NYCTesters July Meet. I was thrilled and excited to speak in the gorgeous New York City.

The workshop was on Modelling Mobile Apps and the LONG FUN CUP model. So, started to shape model the session and planned to cover these during the seminar.


The background of the audience was unknown, so explored the Meetup RSVP to model the audience first and then tried to structure the workshop to benefit a variety of audiences.


The modelling of the audience helped to recognise that some people are new to testing. So, it became necessary to explain what is a Model and why modelling is required during testing, before the start of the workshop.

The venue was not hard to find, Google Maps helped not only to reach the place but also to explain about model &  the importance of modelling. Followed by a demonstration on how to model a mobile app & apply LONG FUN CUP test model to it. Later, the audience was given a mission to work for 40 minutes, then debrief.



I acted as the stakeholder, and the debriefing was interactive,  participants discussed enthusiastically with lots of observations and bugs. Personally, it was a good learning for me in many ways, as I was doing it for a totally new audience. Later the discussion continued in the nearby bar with some bottles of IPA. That’s the beauty of hanging around with passionate professionals.

Now, looking forward to me full day tutorial at CAST 2015.

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